Albertville and Gadsden, Alabama
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is when an imbalance in your jaw begins to have an adverse effect on other parts of your body, including your face, neck, back, and elsewhere. TMJ is sometimes called TMJD, TMD, TMDS, or other names. In fact, it has almost a dozen names because its symptoms are often so far-ranging and diverse that it’s hard to know what is the best primary characteristic to describe it.
Here are a few of the symptoms commonly experienced by TMJ sufferers:
- Jaw pain
- Tooth pain or tooth wear
- Headaches (may be migraines or headaches of migraine-like intensity)
- Pressure or pain behind or below the eye
- Tension or pain the face
- Ringing in the ears
- Tension in the neck
- Pain in the neck and upper back
- Tingling or numbness in the arms or fingers
- Bad posture
As you can see, these symptoms are all over the body, and many of them can be attributed to other conditions. As a result, many TMJ sufferers go to their doctor complaining of symptoms and get many different diagnoses and treatments, none of which work until the true cause, TMJ, is identified and treated.
If you suffer from any of these types of symptoms and have been unable to get relief with the treatments you have been trying, please contact Wall Street Dentistry for a TMJ evaluation.