Albertville and Gadsden, Alabama
If you suffer from regular headaches of severe intensity, you may have been seeking relief for years. Your headaches may be described as migraines, or as headaches of migraine-like intensity. Your doctors may have given you multiple descriptions of the cause of your pain and multiple prescriptions to help control them. But while your medications can reduce the intensity of your headaches, the headaches still come with equal frequency. Your headaches may be related to TMJ, and a TMJ dentist may be able to treat them.
This page explains some of the basic information about the complicated relationship between TMJ and headaches, but many people find the topic easier to understand in person. If you have trouble understanding the material on this page or just want to talk to someone in person about your problem, please contact Wall Street Dentistry today to schedule a consultation with one of our neuromuscular dentists.

How TMJ Causes Headaches
TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) is when one or both jaw joints function poorly. Neuromuscular dentistry reveals that dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint can have a negative impact on nearby muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. And because of their location, when these nearby muscles, nerves, and blood vessels are impacted, the result can be painful headaches.
One of the most common nerves responsible for TMJ headaches is the trigeminal nerve. This important nerve carries more input to the brain than any other pathway, including the spinal cord. The signals carried by the trigeminal nerve include commands about facial expressions as well as pain signals. The trigeminal nerve is also responsible for many involuntary functions that control the safety and comfort of the brain, including blood supply and air pressure (via the Eustachian tubes). Magnetic imaging of headaches in action has confirmed the role of the trigeminal nerve in the evolution of headaches.
Unfortunately, the proximity of the trigeminal nerve to the temporomandibular joint mean it is one of the nerves most commonly affected by TMJ, and once it is impacted, the result could be vascular, tension, or other stimuli that can result in headaches of all types.
Eliminate TMJ, Eliminate Headaches
If TMJ is causing irritation of your trigeminal nerve, which results in headaches, then TMJ treatment is your ideal headache cure. Once your jaw and its supporting muscles are put in a more relaxed and natural position, they will no longer irritate the trigeminal nerve. Once the trigeminal nerve is no longer irritated, it can better perform its intended functions, including regulating the safety and comfort of the brain.
Why Choose Wall Street Dentistry
At Wall Street Dentistry, both our dentists have received training at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, the premier school for neuromuscular dentistry. They understand how to diagnose TMJ, have the equipment to properly carry out the diagnosis, and can design successful treatment plans for your TMJ, which will resolve your symptoms, including your chronic headaches.
To learn more about TMJ and neuromuscular dentistry related topics, please see TMD and Questions about TMJ Disorder.
To learn more about Wall Street Dentistry or to schedule an appointment with one of our neuromuscular dentists, please contact us today.