Albertville, AL
Research suggests that approximately half of America’s population fears the dentist, whether due to the sound of dental instruments, a past negative experience, feeling out of control of simply the fear of pain. Dental anxiety can lead people to avoid dental care, which can cause serious oral health problems. So, how can you manage dental anxiety so you don’t face even bigger dental consequences down the road? Our family dentist in Albertville is sharing the following four ways:
Talk to us
Don’t be shy about relaying your fears to us — we’re listening! Our dental team is trained to care for patients who struggle with anxiety while visiting us. Before your appointment, be sure to discuss any concerns and ask any questions you have. Tell us what, exactly, makes you feel anxious so we an tailor your experience to help you feel more comfortable. We can explain procedures in more detail if that would help, talk you through any procedure to explain what we’re doing and even use techniques that may ease your anxiety.
Distract yourself
Practice distraction techniques, such as:
- Bring a friend — Patients report that having someone with them often provides comfort and lessens anxiety.
- Listen to something — Listening to music, audiobooks or podcasts can drown out noises from dental instruments that may cause you to feel anxious.
What helps you relax? Whatever it is — meditation, deep breathing, praying — use it to help ease your anxiety. If something like sitting in a more vertical position in the dental chair makes you feel more relaxed or more in control, let us know.
Trust us
Our Albertville, Alabama family dentist at Wall Street Dentistry is committed to making your visits twice a year with us as comfortable as possible. Remember that skipping dental visits will very likely lead to much bigger, scarier and more costly dental procedures down the road. Call us today at (256) 400-2783, or contact us online. Tell us you’re a little (or a lot) nervous about the visit, and we will work with you on a plan that helps you feel more comfortable about your visit.