65 Wall St, Albertville, AL

Tooth Pain

why does my tooth hurt

Why does my Tooth Hurt and what can I do about it?

Albertville, AL Sigmund Freud characterized human beings’ tendency to avoid pain and pursue pleasure as the Pleasure Principle. Since Freud’s heyday, many cognitive-behavioral psychologists have studied pain avoidance. Avoiding pain is ingrained in our species to help us survive. When your brain sends pain signals, it means your body is trying to communicate to you

Why does my Tooth Hurt and what can I do about it? Read More »

Having A Toothache?

Albertville, AL We have all probably experienced a toothache at one time or another, thinking the pain will pass, which it sometimes does. What happens when the pain will not go away? Often, patients with a toothache wonder, what is causing the pain, how long will it last, and when should I go to the

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